The 4 Ingredients To Becoming A Certified, Sought-After Premiere Life CoachIn 12 Weeks
Attract High-Paying Clients Effortlessly, Gain Prestige and Respect in the Industry, Become an Admired Coach by Clients and Peers Alike, and Forge a Remarkable Career Changing Lives.
The Coach Foundation Premiere Life Coach Training Program
The 4 Ingredients To Becoming A Certified, Sought-After Premiere Life CoachIn 12 Weeks
Attract High-Paying Clients Effortlessly, Gain Prestige and Respect in the Industry, Become an Admired Coach by Clients and Peers Alike, and Forge a Remarkable Career Changing Lives.
The Coach Foundation Premiere Life Coach Training Program
I’m Head Coach at Coach Foundation, and I know exactly what it’s like to start a new career in Life Coaching.
Like so many who get into coaching, you may be familiar with the feeling of waking up, dreading going to work...
Just going through motions, without any real passion or purpose in your job...
Do you long for a career that truly makes a difference, one where you can make a difference in the world, while enjoying the freedom you deserve?
Forbes Featured Best-Selling Author and Business Coach Sai Blackbyrn, CEO of Coach Foundation
I get it…
For years, I worked a soulless corporate job, just like so many others.
I was making a great paycheck, but every day felt like a slog, with no real fulfillment or satisfaction.
Dear Life Coach Friend,
My name is Sai Blackbyrn.
I’m Head Coach at Coach Foundation, and I know exactly what it’s like to start a new career in Life Coaching.
Like so many who get into coaching, you may be familiar with the feeling of waking up, dreading going to work...
Just going through motions, without any real passion or purpose in your job...
Do you long for a career that truly makes a difference, one where you can make a difference in the world, while enjoying the freedom you deserve?
Forbes Featured Best-Selling Author and Business Coach Sai Blackbyrn, CEO of Coach Foundation
I get it…
For years, I worked a soulless corporate job, just like so many others.
I was making a great paycheck, but every day felt like a slog, with no real fulfillment or satisfaction.
Life Coaching, changed everything...
I worked with a coach on a personal issue, and it opened my eyes to my true purpose.
Maybe you've had a similar experience…
An experience where you realized there's something more out there for you.
Something that can give you the sense of purpose and fulfillment you've been missing.
In this free guide, I’d like to show you the 4 key ingredients to becoming a sought-after Premiere Life Coach in just 12 weeks.
Becoming a Premiere Life Coach is the key to unlocking the lifestyle, impact, and legacy you deserve.
As a Premiere Life Coach, you receive respect and admiration from your peers, clients, and loved ones.
You’ll unlock the freedom to work on your own terms, while making a remarkable income.
You can travel the world to exotic locations like Bali, the Amalfi coast of Italy, South America, or whatever your first destination will be…
Without having to sacrifice your financial stability.
As a Premiere Life Coach, you enjoy the prestige that comes with a powerful personal brand…
Effortlessly attracting clients who are more than happy to pay your high prices for your expert guidance and support.
You experience the joy of watching your clients transform their lives in meaningful ways, and you feel a sense of fulfillment and purpose that few other careers can provide.
As a Premiere Life Coach, you’re immediately in the top 5% of life coaches, and you get to enjoy the benefits that come with it.
Now that might sound hard to believe right now…
Especially if you’re just getting into coaching and it feels like you’re drinking from a firehose of information…
But this same simple path of the 4 ingredients that I’m about to share with has already been used by over 150 of our VIP Premiere Life Coach Clients with Amazing Results.
Just listen to what a few of our clients had to say…
"Before I took the Premiere Life Coaching Certification program, I felt lost in my career and unsure of what to do next. The program gave me the tools and support I needed to become a successful coach and create a fulfilling career. I've now helped over 20 clients achieve their goals and counting! Thank you for changing my life!"
- Rachel, USA
"I had always dreamed of becoming a life coach, but I didn't know where to start. The program provided me with the knowledge and skills I needed to turn my dream into a reality. It’s a must for anyone looking to become a coach!"
- Chris, Canada
"As a busy mom, I never thought I could find the time to start a coaching business. The Coach Foundation Certification gave me with the flexibility I needed to complete the program on my own terms. Since completing the program, I've been able to build a coaching program that generates over $150,000 per year"
- Maria, Brazil
“I was hesitant to start a coaching business because I didn't feel like I had enough experience or knowledge. It gave me everything I needed to feel confident and successful as a coach! My life has changed forever, and I’ll never look back to my soul-sucking corporate career!"
- Kate, UK
"I had a lot of doubts about my coaching abilities. But the program changed everything for me. The instructors were extremely knowledgeable and supportive throughout the entire program, and the content was presented in a way that made it easy to understand and apply. Since completing the program, I've been able to help over 30 clients achieve their goals and generate over six-figures in revenue. It not only gave me the confidence I needed as a coach but also helped me build a successful career. Thank you to the amazing team behind Coach Foundation!"
- Ana, Spain
If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, make sure you read this guide from the start to finish.
By the end of this free guide, you’ll understand why most life coaching certifications are simply not enough to become a Premiere Life Coach today.
You’ll understand how you can “take the shortcut” to the top 5% of life coaches in terms of your skill and confidence in your ability, but also how to build the kind of credibility and clientele you need to belong there.
You’ll understand something called Certificate Standardization…
The reason why many life coaches sadly pick the wrong certification for the wrong reason, only to be let down by the results…
The reason why the most “information-packed” and the longest life coach training is not the answer…
I’ll explain The New Entry Point for life coaches, and how to ethically gain an edge over veteran coaches who have more experience than you.
You’ll know everything about how to get the right certification…
How to start attracting the right clients you enjoy working with…
And how to start living from your passion as a successful life coach.
All of that and more is coming up in this free guide.
Let’s start by understanding Certificate Standardization and how most
coaching certifications overpromise and underdeliver.
One of the first things you’ll learn as a life coach is that people understand the world through stories.
From ancient fables to modern-day movies, stories help us make sense of complex ideas and connect with others on a deeper level.
By telling a story, you can help your clients tap into their own inner wisdom and find the answers they're looking for, while also building a stronger connection with them along the way.
And this is exactly why here, I’ll explain to you how Certificate Standardization works, through a story.
As I mentioned, my name is Sai Blackbyrn, I’m Head Coach at Coach foundation.
I’ve been featured in Forbes, and Thrive Global (Ariana Huffington’s magazine), and I’m the author of the Transforming Your Life book series, all of which went on to become best-selling books across 40+ countries.
I’ve transformed the lives of hundreds of people, and now through
Coach Foundation, we’re well on the way to fulfilling our mission, which is to impact over a million people by helping over 1000 coaches launch their careers…
By all means, people would call me a successful coach.
Of course, it didn’t start off this way…
Going back in time, it’s 2009, and Sai just started his career in Investment Banking.
It’s hard to name a more soulless career path than that.
I didn’t do it because that was my passion or because I wanted to be a banker or for the money…
I did it due to pressure from my parents.
They wanted a safe future for me and they thought if I had the money everything would be fine.
And I was actually making a great income with it.
But every day I woke up to that damn alarm clock, grind my way through cold rainy London traffic to our office…
Long story short, I was impacted by a life coach, and I was hooked.
I attended self-help seminars, read countless books, and followed all the gurus, Tony Robbins, Robin Sharma,
Deepak Chopra, you name it…
I realized I’m destined to become a life coach.
So on December 6th, 2010 I took my first life coaching certification…
It took 6 months to get the training done and countless practice sessions with my coaches…
But in the end, I couldn’t have been more proud of myself!
It felt amazing.
But what happened after that, I didn’t expect…
You see, by the time I started my life coach training, I’ve already quit my investment banking job…
(to be fair, I was laid off due to the financial crisis, but that’s another story… I like to tell myself I would’ve left anyway…)
The point is, I had no income.
And I was struggling to find coaching clients.
So much so, that I couldn’t even find a single client that would work with me.
I tried networking, going to live events, posting in early Facebook groups, LinkedIn, coach boards, you name it…
Yet I found no success.
You see, the problem was, I was a coach with a certification but no clients.
No case studies, connections, or any reference or additional credibility to my name.
People didn’t believe I could help them.
And that happened even though my certification was from one of the most notable organizations out there.
I had to take on other, temporary jobs just to get by and live off my savings…
I did what most coaches would do at this point: I took two more certifications
…and I finally got ONE (just one!) client willing to pay me for my coaching…
But it was a bittersweet “win…”
This first client wanted to make a deal on me… He wanted to see how low he could push my rates…
He wanted to see how low he could push my rates.
And with three of the best life coaching certifications out there, which I spent thousands of Dollars on, I gave in.
He negotiated me down from $50 an hour to just $20…
$20 per hour for all my coaching skills.
All of the transformation I could help him with…
The skill I spent thousands on learning and countless weeks, and months of training!
It was all only worth $20 an hour…
On the outside, I tried to remain calm, but inside I was furious.
My body tensed up from the anger, and my toes curled.
I even had this stuffed toy that I fidgeted with on calls to release tension and this time I held it so hard it broke, spilling powder all over my laptop…
Thanks to this moment, my now wife, Jill, captured this moment of desperation.
Then, A Glimmer Of Hope Appeared On The Horizon.
To my best of luck, at a spiritual retreat in Bali, I met Chris.
Another life coach who was doing pretty well, and I knew he’s also helped other new life coaches get their careers off the ground.
I invited him for dinner and told my story…
And as we sat at that dimly lit Bali buffet, as I was eating my overspiced Lawar, all of a sudden, everything started coming together.
“Sai, it’s amazing that you have all this training and certification, I’m sure you’d make an amazing coach, but...”
“You’ve fallen into the trap of Overcertification.”
Overcertification is simply when coaches try to tackle their issue of not making a stable career from coaching by getting certification after certification.
Chris then told me to go on LinkedIn, search for Certified
Life Coach, and see how many people come up…
I was shocked!
It was well into the tens of thousands.
I thought all my certifications made me unique… or at least not one-out-of-tens-of-thousands kind of unique…
But I was obviously wrong.
If you do that search today, 15 years later, you’ll se that number is going to be around 57,000 Certified Life Coaches…
He told me the reason certifications doesn’t work is because although this is what most coaches think…
Certification ≠ “Done-For-You” Coaching Career
Even back then, the days where a certification would set you apart were long gone…
Rather, a certification become the new entry point to coaching.
Instead of acting as a differentiator, certifications became a “requirement.”
It was close to impossible to get a client as a life coach without a certification, but if you only had certifications to show your clients, it still wasn’t quite enough.
“This is fascinating Chris, but I already knew that. I found out the hard way…” – I told him.
He gave me a weird smile, and for a moment, I wasn’t sure if he was going to laugh at me or reveal something revolutionary.
Thankfully though, it was the second one.
He told me there was one thing he saw new Life Coaches start getting a lot of success with when they start, and it was something he called The Expert Effect.
Certification = The New Entry Point
The Expert Effect
People will not be impressed by a one-in-57,000 certified life coach…
The coach they’re looking for is someone who is a renowned expert.
The Expert Effect is what transforms you from just another certified coach into a Premiere Life Coach.
When you use the expert effect, you leverage the power of publicity and branding.
You establish yourself as an expert in your field and attract a steady stream of high-quality clients.
By getting featured in the media and press, you quickly gain the trust and credibility of potential clients, who will be more likely to seek out your services over your competitors – even if they have a longer track record or more testimonials to their names!
Just think about it…
Would you work with a life coach who has a certification, maybe two or more…
Or would you work with a coach who ALSO has a certification, but they’ve been featured in a medium that’s relevant to the exact transformation you’re after?
For example, you’re looking for a life coach to help you quit smoking…
And you find someone who’s been featured in Psychology Today talking about that topic as the expert…
You’d immediately know they are the one to turn to for help.
This is the real secret.
After Chris told me about the expert effect, my thoughts started racing with self-doubt, anxiety, and impostor syndrome…
“I’m just a new coach, with NOTHING, no testimonials, no clients, no real-world experience to my name… Why the hell would someone interview me in the press…”
But before I could finish what I wanted to say, he cut me off.
He told me that I had four different life coaching certifications.
Some of the best life coach training out there, and I was already qualified to get my name out there.
Chris then told me how to find journalists and reach out to them, what to say, and so on.
Finally, he warned me that it was going to be a numbers game at first, but it’s worth it.
Off to the races I went.
After sending close to 50 emails, I got my first press feature at Perth Now.
This was the perfect starting point, as I was trying to start my coaching career in Perth, Australia at the time.
Now, the article wasn’t the greatest.
But even so, simply having that added credibility to my name changed everything.
All of a sudden, I was more than the other coaches, clients put their faith in me, and I was selling my Bali retreats out with ease.
The same thing happened when we applied The Expert Effect to my mom’s coaching career...
If you’re into the world of spirituality and spiritual coaching, you may be familiar with the name…
Mynoo Mariel.
You see, Mynoo is my beautiful mother Today, she’s a Premiere, top spiritual coach known all around the globe.
She charges six-figures per private coaching client.
She lives what most people would refer to as the coach dream…
But of course, that wasn’t always the case…
When I first started my career in coaching, she actually didn’t like the idea.
She hated how I was ditching the “safer,” traditional career path of investment banking, which obviously paid well…
For something a lot more unknown and unheard of.
Over the years, this turned around.
I was able to awaken the purpose in my own mother…
And she decided she wanted to be a coach.
When she made that decision, I knew the first thing we had to do was get the expert effect working for her…
Mynoo Mariel.
You see, Mynoo is my beautiful mother Today, she’s a Premiere, top spiritual coach known all around the globe.
She charges six-figures per private coaching client.
She lives what most people would refer to as the coach dream…
But of course, that wasn’t always the case…
When I first started my career in coaching, she actually didn’t like the idea.
She hated how I was ditching the “safer,” traditional career path of investment banking, which obviously paid well…
For something a lot more unknown and unheard of.
Over the years, this turned around.
I was able to awaken the purpose in my own mother…
And she decided she wanted to be a coach.
When she made that decision, I knew the first thing we had to do was get the expert effect working for her…
Mynoo Speaking in front of 23,000 people about the Be Book at a spiritual gathering
You see, she’s been wanting to write a book for a while, but she kept putting it off…
Until that moment.
This was a perfect time.
Myno wrote her book The Be Book, I and my team at Coach
Foundation helped her with the promotion and marketing, and in three days, the book became a 9-times International Best Seller across 41 countries.
The rest is history.
The first year she entered coaching, her business made mid-six figures from book sales, coaching, and speaking fees.
Today, she gets paid to fly around the globe speaking at conferences, and spiritual gatherings with thousands of people, and even at the UN (United Nations!)
Just check out these photos… I couldn’t be more proud of her.
Speaking at the UN (United Nations)
Speaking at the World Economic Forum
The Expert Effect is the key secret driver behind Premiere Life Coaches’ Success.
Now, I want to ask you…
How would your life change, if you became a trained life coach, implemented the expert effect into your career?
What if you took the shortcut right into the top 5% of life coaches?
You’d probably wake up each morning, energized and excited to start your day as a successful certified coach.
Your calendar would be booked with sessions, and you'd be thrilled to see the positive reviews and testimonials pouring in from your clients, praising your life-changing guidance and support.
Throughout the day, you’d connect with clients from all around the world, each with their own unique stories, struggles, and aspirations.
With each client you help, your confidence as a coach continues to grow.
As you guide them through powerful coaching sessions, you witness their eyes light up with newfound clarity and understanding.
You feel a surge of joy and fulfillment as you watch them break through their barriers and begin to transform their lives in ways they never thought possible.
Your reputation as a premiere coach begins to spread, and you find yourself being invited to speak at conferences, workshops, and events, sharing your expertise and inspiring others to pursue their dreams.
As your coaching business thrives, your personal life flourishes as well.
You can afford to provide your family with the experiences and opportunities they deserve, and you have the freedom to enjoy all of this without the constraints of a traditional 9-to-5 job.
You can take your loved ones on incredible vacations, exploring new cultures and creating lifelong memories together.
Your relationships deepen, and you're able to be fully present with your family, friends, and loved ones, knowing that you've built a career that supports and enriches your life.
Your success as a coach allows you to give back to your community in meaningful ways.
You can volunteer your time and expertise to local organizations, helping to uplift those in need and make a difference in the lives of countless individuals.
Your philanthropic efforts are a testament to your commitment to living a life of purpose and impact.
As the sun sets each day, you find yourself reflecting on the incredible journey you've embarked upon as a certified coach.
And this is what it means to be a Premiere Life Coach.
Since 2010, we’ve used the Expert Effect to turn over 200+ coaches’ dream into an incredible Premiere Life Coaching career.
My team and I have created countless life-changing Premiere Life Coaching transformations with The Expert Effect over the years.
Take, for example, Kaley Zeitouni.
When she first came to us, she was still working in her corporate job as a fundraiser, traveling all around the world to meet clients, working 100 hours a week.
She felt that she wasn’t making the impact she should’ve been making, and she definitely didn’t have the freedom she was looking for.
I can definitely relate coming from a corporate background in banking, I was making good money but I felt like a slave to my corporation…
You see, Kaley has an incredible story.
At the age of 12, she was diagnosed with a medically untreatable illness called multiple sclerosis.
Her nervous system was failing…
From one day to another, she found herself paralyzed.
At times, she couldn’t stop her eyes from moving, she had pain, and her symptoms were changing all the time.
But eventually, she figured out a way to treat her illness, and became one of the very handful of people who were declared clinically symptom-free from this illness!
She did this through hard work on her subconscious, as well as lifestyle changes…
And she went from being paralyzed to completely symptom-free for the past 10 years, which is just an amazing, beautiful story.
She then became a lifestyle and health coach for people who are struggling with chronic illness.
Once we applied the expert effect to Kaley’s coaching career, her life changed forever.
Her book became a best-seller in 12 countries across 78 categories.
She started getting invited to podcasts and speaking events, and her career set off.
Even though Kaley was skeptical to whether she’d be able to replace her 6-figure corporate income from coaching, within the first 7 days of her coaching launch, she closed $15k worth of coaching program fees.
Since then, she’s personally changed the lives of dozens of people in a profound way, and she has impacted thousands more through her book, podcast, and in-person speaking.
With each client you help, your confidence as a coach continues to grow.
As you guide them through powerful coaching sessions, you witness their eyes light up with newfound clarity and understanding.
You feel a surge of joy and fulfillment as you watch them break through their barriers and begin to transform their lives in ways they never thought possible.
Your reputation as a premiere coach begins to spread, and you find yourself being invited to speak at conferences, workshops, and events, sharing your expertise and inspiring others to pursue their dreams.
Another example is our friend, Mark Felstead.
To my best of luck, at a spiritual retreat in Bali, I met Chris.
Another life coach who was doing pretty well, and I knew he’s also helped other new life coaches get their careers off the ground.
I invited him for dinner and told my story…
And as we sat at that dimly lit Bali buffet, as I was eating my overspiced Lawar, all of a sudden, everything started coming together.
“Sai, it’s amazing that you have all this training and certification, I’m sure you’d make an amazing coach, but...”
Mark went on to close $30k worth of coaching applications from his first-ever launch.
He even had to put people on a waiting list, because he had too many applicants!
But what’s even more amazing, is that this allowed him to bring on world-class cardiologists and heart experts into his We Love Our Heart program as partners…
And he created something that is truly best in class for people who are looking to lower their risk of a heart attack…
It’s fair to say that both Kaley and Mark are changing lives in incredible ways.
For all of the coaches we worked with, there were four ingredients to their Premiere success, and The Expert Effect is the one most people missed.
Now that we discussed The Expert Effect, let’s look at the other three ingredients to a Premiere Life Coaching Career, and see how they all work together.
All 4 ingredients to a Premiere Life Coach
Ingredient #1) World-Class Life Coach Training
Quality life coach training will equip you with all the essential tools, techniques, and methodologies that you'll need to help your clients achieve their goals and transform their lives.
As a premiere life coach, your clients will look to you to get results, and world-class training is essential to develop these skills.
But it's not just about the technical skills.
World-class life coach training will also help you to develop the right mindset and attitude.
You'll learn how to build your confidence, overcome limiting beliefs, and develop a positive outlook that will help you to achieve your goals.
Great life coach training will enable you to inspire and motivate your clients to achieve their own success.
Another key benefit of world-class life coach training is that it will give you credibility in the industry.
As a Premiere Life Coach, it's important that you have the right qualifications and certification that demonstrate your expertise and authority.
This will help you to attract high-paying clients who are looking for a coach with proven results and credentials.
And finally, world-class life coach training will also give you access to a network of other Premiere life coaches.
This community of like-minded individuals can offer you support, guidance, and mentorship as you build your career.
You'll have the chance to learn from others who have already achieved success in the industry, and this can really help to accelerate your own growth and development.
Once you have the right life coach training, you'll be able to help your clients in ways that you never thought possible.
You'll have the tools and skills to help them transform their lives, achieve their goals, and realize their full potential.
You'll be able to help your clients identify their strengths and weaknesses, develop a plan of action to achieve their goals, and provide them with the support and guidance they need to stay on track.
You'll be their confidante, their cheerleader, and their biggest advocate, and you'll be there every step of the way as they make progress towards their goals.
Ingredient #2) At Least One Highly Respected Certification (Or More)
While it's true that a coaching certification is not the end-all-be-all for a Premiere Life Coaching career, it is the new entry point for coaches who want to be seen as experts in their field.
In fact, most coaches these days have a certification, so clients are less likely to choose a coach who doesn't have one.
Clients want to feel confident that their coach has had formal training and understands the coaching process.
They want to know that their coach has the skills and knowledge to help them achieve their goals and overcome their challenges.
A coaching certification is a way for coaches to show clients that they have the necessary training and experience to deliver results.
Not only that, but a certification also demonstrates that a coach is committed to continuous professional development and staying up-to-date with the latest coaching trends and methodologies.
This is important to clients who are looking for coaches who can provide them with the most effective coaching strategies and techniques.
Clients are also looking for coaches who have a recognized certification from a reputable organization.
This gives them the confidence that their coach has been trained by experts in the field and has undergone a rigorous evaluation process.
It can also help clients to identify coaches who have specialized training or experience in a particular area, such as executive coaching, relationship coaching, or health coaching.
With so many certified coaches available, it's becoming extremely hard for life coaches without a certification to attract clients.
Clients are looking for coaches who can provide them with the best possible coaching experience and are more likely to choose a coach who has a certification over one who does not.
In short, clients are increasingly looking for coaches with a certification as it provides them with the assurance that their coach has the necessary training and expertise to deliver results.
So, if you're a coach looking to attract clients and build a successful coaching business, it's crucial to obtain a highly respected certification.
This will give you the credibility and competitive edge you need to stand out from the crowd and attract clients who are looking for the best coaching experience possible.
Ingredient #3) The Expert Effect (Most Often Overlooked)
The Expert Effect is the secret weapon that can transform your career and help you achieve the financial and personal freedom you desire.
It’s the biggest key driver behind the legacy-building Premiere careers of the greatest life coaches, and it’s also the most overlooked factor by new coaches.
Which is a shame, because the Expert Effect can take you from being just another certified coach to a Premiere Life Coach, who’s well-respected in their field.
Using the Expert Effect, you can establish yourself as an expert in your field and attract high-quality clients who trust and respect you.
It really gives you a sense of authority and credibility that can't be achieved through certifications alone.
You'll have a steady stream of high-quality clients who respect and value your services, and you'll be able to charge the prices you deserve.
You'll be able to choose who you want to work with, and you'll feel confident in your ability to help them achieve their goals.
And it's not just about financial success.
When you have The Expert Effect working for you, you'll have the freedom to live life on your own terms.
You'll be able to set your own schedule and work from anywhere in the world.
You'll be able to spend more time with your family and loved ones, and pursue your own passions and interests.
But the best part?
You'll have a sense of pride and fulfillment in your work that can't be achieved through any other means.
You'll know that you're making a real difference in the lives of your clients, and you'll be respected and admired by your peers and loved ones.
In summary, Expert Effect = Premiere Life Coach
Ingredient #4) Quality Branding
This is our last ingredient to a Premiere Coach.
Quality branding is key – yet, so often, it goes overlooked.
It can make all the difference in how easily you attract clients, build a strong reputation, and establish yourself as a leader in your industry.
When your clients see that you have quality branding, it builds trust and credibility with them.
Plus, it makes you more memorable and unique compared to other coaches in the industry.
Not only that, quality branding helps you create a consistent brand experience across all touchpoints.
This means that whether your clients are visiting your website, reading your marketing materials, or engaging with you on social media, they should feel like they're experiencing the same brand message.
This consistency builds trust with your clients and makes them more confident in your services.
Having quality branding also makes you look more professional and established.
It gives you that extra boost of credibility, which is especially important if you're just starting out.
It helps you look like an expert in your field, which can be a major selling point for clients who are looking for a coach they can trust.
Your clients will trust and believe in your brand, which means they'll be more likely to work with you and recommend you to others.
You'll attract more high-quality clients who are willing to pay top dollar for your services, which means you can reach your income goals faster.
When we set off to create Coach Foundation’s Premiere Life Coach Certification, we decided to create a training that’s best-in-class, something that truly guarantees you become a Premiere Coach...
We wanted to create something that’s not just a fancy certification on your wall, but it can ENSURE you get paying clients once you complete it.
We knew we had to encompass all four ingredients + one what we call our Coaching Implementation Mastermind…
This is how we created a system that was able to turn coach after coach, consistently into the top 5% of the coaching business, all going on to become premiere life coaches.
Mynoo, Kaley, Mark, even myself, and the 200+ coaches we have helped, we all followed this same system.
In fact, here are a few testimonials from the Premiere Life Coaches we have helped.
"The Premiere Life Coaching Certification program has been instrumental in helping me achieve my dream of becoming a highly sought-after, successful life coach. I've tried so many other self-help programs, but nothing compares to the powerful impact of this program. It's been a game-changer for me, both personally and professionally."
~ Samantha K, California
"The Premiere Life Coaching Certification program is like no other. Its focus on the four pillars of becoming a premiere coach has helped me develop a unique approach to coaching that sets me apart. I now have a thriving coaching practice, and I'm able to charge top dollar for my services. This program has been life-changing, and I'm forever grateful."
~ Lauren C, United Kingdom
"After going through a difficult time in my life, I found solace in coaching others. The Premiere Life Coaching Certification program not only helped others like me heal from my experience but also gave me the tools to become a sought-after, high-paid coach. I now work in my true purpose, helping others overcome their challenges and achieve their goals."
~ David S, Illinois
"The Premiere Life Coaching Certification program helped me discover my true passion and purpose in life. I now run a successful coaching business, helping others find their own version of success. This program has given me the skills and tools to become a highly sought-after, high-paid coach, and I'm incredibly grateful for it."
~ Olivia M, Quebec
"I cannot recommend the Premiere Life Coaching Certification program enough. It has transformed my life in ways I never thought possible. I now have a thriving coaching practice and am able to make a significant impact in the lives of others. I'm working in my true purpose, and I'm able to charge what I want for my services!"
~ Michael S, Colorado
"As a busy executive regularly working 80+ hours a week, I wasn't sure how to make my dream of becoming a coach a reality. The Success Coach in the Premiere Life Coaching Certification gave me the skills and tools to achieve my goals. I now have a thriving coaching practice, and I'm able to make a significant impact in the lives of others. This program is truly life-changing."
~ Elizabeth W, Washington
For a minute, just imagine the possibilities when YOU become a Premiere Life Coach.
As a Premiere Life Coach, you gain respect and admiration.
By her peers, clients, family, friends, and even your ex-colleagues...
You can get clients whenever you want to because of the prestige your coaching brand represents…
You charge high prices easily, and clients are more than happy to pay you a lot...
You do what you love for a living, making a phenomenal income, and working completely on your own terms, whenever you want to, and the way you want to.
You’re free from the boundaries of the corporate job world, making yourself rich instead of somebody else, spending time with your family as much as you want to, and taking vacations across the country and around whatever your travel goal is…
But above all…
As a Premiere Life Coach, you’re changing the world for the better, creating a profound impact one client at a time, and getting the recognition you deserve for it.
Now, our program will make you not just into any certified life coach, but a premiere one.
Through world-class life coach training, 4 highly respected certifications, leveraging The Fame Effect and The Power of Branding.
We’re so confident in your success, we’re even giving you a paying client guarantee..
If you go through the program, attend calls, complete the certification, and participate in our Coaching Implementation Mastermind, and you STILL don’t get a client, you get 100% of your investment back.
Allow me to show you the certification program, pillar by pillar, week by week, from getting your training, to getting your certifications, to getting your first client and starting your career.
Introducing The Premiere Life Coaching Certification
Pillar 1: 8-Week Intensive, World-Class Life Coach Training Program
Value: $4997
You'll be part of a supportive and collaborative cohort-based learning environment designed to foster community and accountability.
This means you'll have the opportunity to connect with other aspiring coaches who are on a similar journey as you, and you'll be able to learn from each other's experiences and perspectives.
You'll also get to participate in live coaching demonstrations and feedback sessions, where you'll have the chance to observe and learn from our experienced trainers as they work with clients in real time.
Plus, you'll have weekly cohort calls with our Head Coach Trainer, who will guide you through each of the topics we cover in the program and provide personalized feedback and support.
To help you build your coaching career, we also offer weekly coaching career Q&A sessions with our Head Coach Trainer.
You'll have the opportunity to ask any questions you have about starting and growing your coaching business and get expert guidance and advice.
If you miss a call or want to revisit a topic, don't worry!
You'll have unlimited retakes and replays for each topic, so you can catch up at your own pace and reinforce your learning.
We also provide a coaching knowledge base for each week and each topic we cover, which is a comprehensive library of coaching resources, tools, and materials that you can access anytime.
As part of our commitment to your success, we'll pair you with an accountability partner to help you stay on track and support you throughout the program.
You'll also be participating in coaching roleplay calls, where you can practice your coaching skills and gain confidence in your ability.
But the learning and support don't end there.
As a student in our program, you'll gain exclusive access to the
Coach Foundation coaching community and alumni network on Facebook.
This is a space where you can connect with other coaches and alumni, share resources and insights, and get ongoing support and encouragement.
And if you have any questions or need personalized guidance and support, our 24/7 coach support on Slack is here for you.
You can ask our team of experienced coaches anything, and get the help you need to succeed.
Now, let me show you each week of the training, one by one.
Week 1: Unlocking Your Inner Coach
This module is all about tapping into the potential within yourself and others.
We'll explore the psychology behind effective coaching, and discover how to be a catalyst for transformation.
Through this module, you'll learn how to create a mindset of success and impact, not just for yourself, but for your future clients as well.
You'll delve into the key elements that make up a successful coaching relationship, and how to use your own experiences and insights to help others achieve their goals.
We'll also cover the importance of building trust with your clients and how to establish a coaching presence that is both powerful and compassionate.
You'll discover how to identify and overcome limiting beliefs, and how to empower yourself and others to reach their full potential.
By the end of this module, you'll have a strong foundation in the principles of effective coaching, and be well on your way to becoming a Premiere Life Coach.
Week 2: Coaching Mastery
We'll start by teaching you the art and science of coaching, so you can understand how to help your clients in a deep and meaningful way.
You'll discover powerful questioning techniques that will allow you to unlock your clients' full potential.
You'll learn how to ask the right questions at the right time, so your clients can gain clarity, find new perspectives, and take decisive action toward their goals.
We'll also teach you how to set effective goals and create action plans that will guide your clients toward success.
You'll learn how to help your clients identify their strengths, overcome their challenges, and achieve their desired outcomes.
Finally, you'll develop a coaching approach that is unique to you.
We'll help you identify your coaching style, so you can leverage your strengths and preferences to create a coaching practice that aligns with your values and goals.
By the end of week 2, you'll have the skills, knowledge, and confidence to coach like a master.
Week 3: Advanced Coaching Techniques and Tools
We'll explore how to utilize positive psychology and strengths-based coaching to help your clients build on their unique talents and abilities.
You'll also learn mindfulness and meditation techniques to help your clients manage stress, anxiety, and overwhelm while achieving greater focus and clarity.
In addition, you'll master cognitive and behavioral coaching techniques to help your clients shift their negative thought patterns and behaviors and create positive change in their lives.
Plus, you'll harness the power of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) to help your clients overcome limiting beliefs and achieve their goals faster.
By the end of this week, you'll have the knowledge and tools to help your clients make significant breakthroughs and transformations in their lives.
You'll feel confident in your ability to apply these advanced coaching techniques and elevate your coaching practice to the next level.
Week 4: Communication and Relationship Skills
This week is all about mastering the skills needed to effectively connect with your clients and establish a strong rapport.
You'll begin by exploring the key principles behind effective communication and how to apply them in your coaching practice.
You'll learn how to develop empathy and emotional intelligence, allowing you to better understand your clients' needs and motivations.
From there, you'll discover how to manage difficult conversations and conflicts that may arise during coaching sessions.
You'll learn how to navigate sensitive topics with grace and empathy, and how to help your clients work through their own emotions and concerns.
Throughout the week, you'll also focus on building trust and credibility with your clients.
You'll learn how to establish a strong coaching relationship based on mutual respect and understanding.
You'll discover how to create a safe and supportive environment where your clients can feel comfortable opening up and exploring their deepest thoughts and feelings.
By the end of this week, you'll have gained a deep understanding of the power of effective communication and relationship-building in the coaching process.
You'll have developed the skills needed to build strong and lasting relationships with your clients, and to help them achieve the transformational change they desire.
Week 5: Neuroscience and Coaching
By exploring the neuroscience behind effective coaching, you'll learn how to coach the brain for optimal performance and wellbeing.
We'll show you the secrets of habit and behavior change, and how to use neuropsychology to enhance your coaching skills.
You'll gain a deeper understanding of the brain and how it impacts our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.
With this knowledge, you'll be able to help your clients make meaningful changes in their lives, from breaking bad habits to developing new, positive ones.
You'll learn how to create personalized coaching strategies that take into account your clients' unique brain processes and neural pathways.
Through this module, you'll not only become a more effective coach but also gain a deeper appreciation for the power of the brain in shaping our lives.
By applying this knowledge, you can help your clients unlock their full potential and transform their lives in profound ways.
Week 6: Mindset Mastery
In week 5 of the Premiere Life Coaching program, you'll dive into the important topic of mindset mastery.
This week is all about learning how to master your own mindset and help your clients do the same.
You'll start by exploring how to overcome limiting beliefs and negative self-talk.
You'll discover techniques for identifying these beliefs and transforming them into positive, empowering beliefs that support your goals.
Next, you'll dive into visualization and goal achievement techniques.
You'll learn how to use visualization to create a clear mental picture of what you want to achieve, and
you'll discover techniques for setting and achieving goals that will drive you and your clients towards success.
Finally, you'll focus on creating positive habits and routines that drive success.
You'll learn how to develop habits that support your goals and create routines that help you stay focused and motivated.
By the end of this week, you'll have developed a powerful mindset that will help you and your clients overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.
You'll be equipped with the tools and techniques you need to create lasting change and create a positive impact in the world.
Week 7: Building a Successful Coaching Practice
This is where you'll learn to turn your coaching skills into a thriving business.
You'll start by creating your revolutionary coaching business plan.
This isn't just any plan.
It's a comprehensive guide that takes you through every step of the process, from setting your goals to developing your brand to establishing your financial plan.
Next, you'll learn to develop a marketing strategy that drives success.
You'll explore different channels, tactics, and messaging to connect with your target audience and build your brand presence.
Pricing and packaging your coaching services can be a challenge, but in this module, you'll learn the ins and outs of creating packages that are both valuable to your clients and profitable for your business.
You'll also learn how to handle sales and enrollment with confidence, ensuring that your clients are ready to commit and invest in their own transformation.
In addition, you'll discover how to find your niche and target market.
Understanding who you want to work with and what they need will help you tailor your services and marketing to attract the right clients.
Finally, you'll create a referral network and client base that sustains success.
You'll learn strategies for building strong relationships with your clients and for leveraging their success to attract even more business.
By the end of week 3, you'll have a solid foundation for your coaching practice, including a business plan, marketing strategy, pricing and packaging, sales and enrollment skills, and a clear understanding of your target market.
You'll be ready to start building your coaching business and creating the life of your dreams.
Week 8: Group Coaching and Programs
In week 8, the final week of the Premiere Life Coaching program, you'll learn how to take your coaching skills to the next level by mastering group coaching and coaching programs.
You'll start by learning how to design and deliver effective group coaching programs that can help you impact more people at once.
You'll discover proven coaching techniques for group settings and how to use them to drive real transformation and growth.
But effective group coaching is more than just techniques - it's also about understanding how to manage group dynamics and conflicts.
In this module, you'll learn how to navigate the unique challenges of group coaching, so you can keep everyone engaged and focused on their goals.
And because the world of coaching is increasingly digital, we'll show you how to develop online coaching programs that work.
You'll learn how to use the latest technology and platforms to connect with your clients, deliver your coaching programs, and build your brand online.
By the end of this module, you'll have the tools and knowledge you need to take on any coaching challenge - whether it's one-on-one coaching, group coaching, or online coaching programs.
You'll be ready to help more people, create more impact, and build a thriving coaching business that reflects your values and passions.
Just to recap, through the first 8 weeks, you’ll have access to:
Cohort-based learning environment for community and accountability
Live coaching demos and feedback sessions
Weekly cohort calls with our Head Trainer
Weekly coaching career Q&A sessions with our Head Trainer
Unlimited retakes and replays for each topic
Comprehensive coaching knowledge base for each week and topic
Accountability partner to keep you on track
Coaching roleplay calls for real-life experience and confidence building
Exclusive access to the Coach Foundation coaching community and alumni network on Facebook
24/7 coach support on Slack for personalized guidance and support
This is the training structure that ensures you’re ready, confident, and professional enough to step into your new career and start changing lives as a Premiere Life Coach.
Such a comprehensive Life Coach Training Would run you upwards of $4997 anywhere else, but we’ve managed to pack it into a much more affordable package for you…
Pillar 2: Four Well-Renowned, Industry Leading Life Coach Certifications
Value: $10,000+
You'll work closely with our Head Accreditation Coach to take tests and exercises that prove your knowledge and abilities as a life coach.
You'll receive feedback and guidance from our expert coach, helping you improve and hone your skills.
Once you prove to our Head Accreditation Coach that you're ready to change lives through tests and exercises.
Upon completion, you'll be certified by four of the largest and most reputable organizations out there:
These certifications will be a badge of honor and something you can proudly display on your website, social media profiles, and marketing materials.
You'll also receive recognition from the life coaching community, as these organizations are well-respected in the industry.
Getting certified by one organization is great, but getting certified by four is unquestionably a competitive edge over all of your competitor coaches.
Not to mention, you'll have access to a broader audience, as these organizations are recognized worldwide.
Too many life coaches have to pay upwards of $10,000 or more to get this kind of credibility.
But as you’ll see very soon, with the Premiere Life Coaching Certification, you’ll get not just one, but four certifications to set you up for coaching success, for a much more affordable cost…
With four prestigious certifications under your belt and The Fame Effect on your side (which is our next pillar), you'll be positioned as a top-tier life coach, ready to take on any challenge that comes your way.
This is the training structure that ensures you’re ready, confident, and professional enough to step into your new career and start changing lives as a Premiere Life Coach.
Such a comprehensive Life Coach Training Would run you upwards of $4997 anywhere else, but we’ve managed to pack it into a much more affordable package for you…
Pillar 3: The Expert Effect “Done-For-You”
Value: $3000
The Expert Effect is really the “magic touch” when it comes to your coaching career.
It immediately sets you apart, and kicks your business into high gear, positioning you as an expert, and unlocking an abundance of motivated, high-quality clients for you…
Our team will work tirelessly to get you featured in media outlets that are relevant to your coaching area.
Whether it's a magazine, podcast, or online publication, we'll use our connections and expertise to get you in front of the right people.
But The Expert Effect is more than just getting featured in the media.
It's about positioning yourself as the go-to expert in your coaching niche.
When potential clients see that you've been featured in reputable media outlets, it gives you instant credibility and establishes you as an authority figure.
Clients want to work with someone who they perceive as an expert.
They want to know that you have the skills and knowledge to help them achieve their goals.
By leveraging the power of media exposure, you'll be able to position yourself as the expert that clients are looking for.
And it doesn't stop there.
Once you have the Expert Effect working for you, the possibilities are endless.
You can use your media features to attract more clients, increase your rates, and build a brand that stands out in a crowded coaching market.
The Expert Effect Done-For-You service is a part of our Premiere Life Coach Certification program.
We know that getting your coaching business off the ground can be overwhelming, which is why we've included this service to help kickstart your journey to success.
Once you have the Expert Effect working for you, your coaching career will never be the same.
You'll gain an edge over all of your competitor coaches,
as you're not only certified by four of the largest and most reputable organizations out there, but you're also the go-to expert in your niche.
Imagine being able to charge premium rates for your coaching services because you're recognized as the best in your field.
Imagine having clients coming to you instead of having to go out and find them.
Imagine having the freedom and financial stability to live the life you've always dreamed of.
With the Expert Effect Done-For-You package, this will be your reality.
And all of this for a fraction of the cost than hiring a traditional PR agency to help you, which would cost anywhere upwards of $3000.
Pillar 4: The Power of Branding
Value: $2000
If you were to hire your own graphic designer, this would cost you anywhere from $2,000 and above, and much more if you hired a professional marketing agency to get it done for you.
Now, we wanted to make the Premiere Life Coaching Certification, the one-stop-shop go-to resource behind your business.
So instead of charging you extra for all of your branding elements, or leaving it to you to hire a freelancer for yourself, we’ve decided to include all of this in The Power of Branding for free of charge, as part of the program.
The Power Of Branding is an essential pillar of our Premiere Life Coach Certification program, and for good reason.
When it comes to building a successful coaching business, branding is key.
It's what sets you apart from your competitors and establishes your unique identity as a coach.
With The Power Of Branding, you'll get access to a comprehensive suite of branding tools and resources that will help you create a strong, compelling brand that resonates with your target audience.
This includes guidelines for choosing your brand name, 99 customizable pre-made coach logo templates, and a personalized coach brand guide by a designer.
But that's just the beginning.
You'll also get access to our coaching photo library of 499 photos, website templates, social media templates, cover photo templates, email marketing templates, and signature templates.
Plus, 25 Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn photo templates to help you create a cohesive and professional social media presence.
With all of these tools at your disposal, you'll be able to create a brand that truly represents you and your coaching business.
You'll be able to attract more clients and establish yourself as an authority in your niche.
Your brand will be recognizable, memorable, and trustworthy, which will make it easier for you to build long-lasting relationships with your clients.
You'll be able to charge higher rates, attract higher-quality clients, and differentiate yourself from the competition.
Your brand will become an asset that helps you build a successful coaching business and sets you up for long-term success.
So, if you're serious about building a successful coaching business, The Power Of Branding is a must-have pillar of our Premiere Life Coach Certification program.
With these tools and resources, you'll be able to create a brand that truly represents you and your coaching business and sets you up for success in the long term.
To recap, you’re getting
A detailed guide on how to choose your brand name
99 Customizable Pre-Made Coach Logo Templates
25 Instagram, Facebook & LinkedIn photo templates
Access to our coaching photo library of 499 photos
Complete fill-in-the-blank website template
Email marketing templates & signature templates
Coaching brand guide
Social media templates
Cover photo templates
Let’s look at everything you’re getting until now…
8-Week Intensive, World-Class Life Coach Training Program (Worth $4,997)
Four Well-Renowned, Industry Leading Life Coach Certifications (Worth $10,000+)
The Expert Effect “Done-For-You” (Worth $3,000)
The Power of Branding (Worth $2,000)
Total Value $19,997
But if you thought we were stopping there… We’re just getting started!
Bonus #1:
Coaching Implementation Mastermind
Value: $1497
We know that becoming a certified life coach is just the beginning of your journey.
That's why we've included 2 months of free access to our Coach Implementation Mastermind, designed to equip you with the tools, knowledge, and support you need to launch and grow your own coaching business.
With our Coach Implementation Business Library, you'll have access to a wealth of resources and insider secrets for building a successful coaching business, including marketing strategies, sales techniques, client retention strategies, and more.
But that's not all - you'll get to participate in weekly accountability calls with our Lead
Implementation Coach, where you can get personalized guidance and support in implementing what you've learned.
And for those who want to take their business to the next level, we're also offering two 1-on-1
Coaching Career Growth calls, aimed to help you build a scalable coaching business.
Plus, with our exclusive Life Coach Implementation Alumni community, you'll be part of a network of like-minded coaches who can support you, inspire you, and help you achieve your goals.
So, if you're serious about building a successful coaching business and making a positive impact on the world, then the Premiere Life Coach Training is the program for you.
Don't just settle for a certification - get the tools, support, and guidance you need to build a thriving coaching business and live the life you've always dreamed of.
To recap, as a part of the Coaching Implementation Mastermind, you get:
A customized strategy for growing your coaching career and business
2 free months of access to our Coach Implementation Mastermind
Access to the Coach Implementation Business Library
Weekly accountability calls with our lead implementation call
Slack Online Coaching Access
Two 1-on-1 Coaching Career Growth calls
Life Coach Implementation Alumni community
A community like our Coaching Implementation Mastermind would cost you anywhere upwards of $1,497 but we’re including it for free as part of our Certification Program
Bonus #2:
Premiere Life Coach Alumni
Value: $1500
The Premiere Life Coach Program is more than just a certification course; it's a community of like-minded individuals who are all on a mission to become successful life coaches.
And that's where our Bonus #2 comes in: The Coach Foundation Life Coach Alumni.
Once you graduate from the Premiere Life Coach Certification Program, you'll join a community of hundreds of other Certified Premiere Life Coaches who have gone through the same training and certification process as you.
This community of alumni is a powerful resource that can help you in numerous ways throughout your coaching journey.
First and foremost, being a part of the Coach Foundation Life Coach Alumni means that you'll always have access to a supportive community of coaches who are there to help you grow and develop your skills.
Whether you need advice on a coaching technique, want to bounce ideas off of someone, or just need someone to talk to, the alumni community is there for you.
But the benefits of being a part of the Coach Foundation Life Coach Alumni don't stop there.
As a member of this exclusive community, you'll also have access to ongoing professional development opportunities, such as webinars, workshops, and coaching sessions with industry experts.
These opportunities are designed to help you stay up-to-date with the latest coaching trends and techniques, and to continue developing your skills as a coach.
In addition, being a part of the Coach Foundation Life Coach Alumni means that you'll have access to exclusive job and business opportunities.
Our alumni community is a tight-knit group of coaches who often refer clients to one another, share job openings, and collaborate on projects.
This means that being a part of this community can help you grow your coaching business, get more clients, and develop your career as a coach.
But perhaps the most valuable benefit of being a part of the Coach Foundation Life Coach Alumni is the sense of belonging and connection that comes with being part of a community of coaches who share your passion for helping others.
As a coach, it can sometimes be lonely and isolating work, but being a part of a community of coaches who understand your challenges and your goals can be incredibly empowering and motivating.
Such an alumni group would cost upwards of $1,500 a year, but we’re including it as a free bonus.
Bonus #3:
Bali Mastermind
Value: $3000
After you become a 6-figure Premiere Life Coach, I’m going to invite you to join our Dream Life Mastermind…
This is our yearly Mastermind which I hold in Bali, with 6, 7, and 8-figure coaches who are truly making a difference in the world.
As part of the Premiere Life Coach Training, you'll be granted access to exclusive, closed-door presentations by industry-leading, world-class, 6, 7, and 8-figure coaches at our Live Bali
Spilling their secrets on how they got to their level.
For 3 days, in the mornings you'll attend private get-togethers with interactive discussions on scaling your coaching business...
Top-tier coaches sharing innovative strategies to form deeper connections with your clients…
And in the evenings, I’ll be taking you to some of the most amazing spots on the island, whether that be a temple, a waterfall, or just a great night out.
We’ll cover your Private Villa, pool, private chef, maid, and food. All you’ll need to cover is your flight.
However, there’s a condition here as well. Yes. You’ll get an all-expenses paid ticket.
But, you have to reach a level in your business where you can actively contribute as a Bali
Mastermind participant.
So here’s the deal – Once you reach $100,000 in revenue in a single calendar year, the all-expense paid ticket is yours.
I spend upwards of $3,000 for each Dream Life Mastermind attendee, but this one is yours absolutely FREE.
This is very limited because we can only have so many people come to an in-person mastermind.
Our one-of-a-kind Paying Client Guarantee
Value: Priceless
We’re giving you a one-of-a-kind Paying Client Guarantee.
A guarantee that you will see results from our program and get at least ONE paying client, right after you complete it.
We are the only coaching certification program that offers a paying client guarantee…
And that’s because we are the only program that has all four ingredients to Premiere Coaching Success.
No other certification can have a Paying Client Guarantee, because they don’t have all four ingredients at once!
Our world-class life coach training…
Four highly respected certifications…
The leverage of The Expert Effect done-for-you…
And The Power of Branding give you everything you need to succeed in the coaching industry.
Imagine the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you are guaranteed to get paying clients after completing our program.
No more worrying about whether or not your investment will pay off - you can rest assured that you will see results.
Our Paying Client Guarantee is a testament to our confidence in the quality of our program and the success of our graduates.
We believe in our system, and we stand behind it.
When you complete our program, attend our calls, participate in our Coaching Implementation Mastermind, and still don't get a paying client, we will give you your money back.
But we're confident that won't happen.
Our program is designed to give you the skills and knowledge you need to succeed as a coach and build a thriving coaching business.
So don't wait any longer to start your journey as a Premiere Life Coach.
With our Paying Client Guarantee, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Invest in yourself and your future by enrolling in the Coach Foundation Premiere Life Coach Training and Certification program today.
Let’s add all of that together:
8-Week Intensive, World-Class Life Coach Training Program (Worth $4,997)
Four Well-Renowned, Industry Leading Life Coach Certifications (Worth $10,000+)
The Premiere Life Coaching Certification program can save you years of trial and error trying to launch your coaching career, getting certification after certification, and spending tens of thousands of dollars in the process.
We don't even want to charge a quarter of that.
But in fact, we don’t want to charge you even half that…
If you hired a team of coaches to learn and master all the skills and techniques included in the program, that would cost you at least $25,994, but we've made the Premiere Life Coaching Certification program affordable for everyone.
What is it worth to you to have the ability to transform lives and build a thriving coaching business?
What is freedom worth to you?
What is it worth for you to have the ability to transform lives and create a successful coaching business?
So the question is this: what is that worth to you?
You have the option of paying a one-time investment of $997, three instalments of $397, or 10 instalments of $125.
That's the kind of relationship that we want to build with you.
We have an exclusive network of coaching alumni who happily pay us thousands of dollars every year because we continue to support them with along coaching journey.
We can do this because we usually have long-term relationships with our clients and can afford to pay the trainers behind this program without making a penny on it.
We want to make this an obvious no-brainer decision for you, as we're on a mission to impact 1 million people by training over 10,000 life coaches worldwide.
All of this for less than $3 a day if you extrapolate that price out over a year, which is how long we will keep you in the Coach Foundation Life Coach Alumni for free.
You're getting access to our proprietary coaching system that has turned coaches after coaches consistently into the top 5% of the coaching business, all going on to become Premiere Life Coaches.
Don’t forget about our Paying Client Guarantee…
No other coaching certification gives you a paying client guarantee, because they can't guarantee paying clients, as they don't have all four ingredients to Premiere coaching success whereas we can, because we have them.
If you go through the program, attend calls, complete the certification, and participate in our Coaching Implementation Mastermind, and you still don’t get a client, you get your money back.
You can't lose with this certification!
And lastly, I want to say this.
Make sure you don't fall into the trap of procrastination.
You have to be willing to take action now, and you have to be willing to silence that voice that says “maybe tomorrow, next week, or next month…”
It's easy to put off investing in yourself and your future, but what's really at stake is your ability to impact the world, transform lives, and create the life of your dreams.
Too many great life coaches give up on their dreams not by choice, but by never starting.
Think about it.
What would happen if you don't take action?
You'll stay in the same place you are right now, with no progress or growth.
You'll continue to be stuck in a cycle of frustration, doubt, and lack of purpose.
You'll watch other coaches achieve the success you've always wanted, and you'll be left wondering what could have been.
But if you take action now, if you enroll in the Premiere Life Coaching Certification program, you'll be on the path to success.
You'll have the skills, the knowledge, the certifications, the Expert Effect, and the Paying Client Guarantee to make your dream a reality.
You'll have access to a community of successful coaches who will support you every step of the way.
And most importantly, you'll have the ability to transform lives and make a positive impact on the world.
So don't let fear or doubt hold you back.
Take action now and enroll in the Premiere Life Coaching Certification program.
You can get started for only $125 today, and with our Paying Client Guarantee, you’re guaranteed to make your coaching dream into a success.
The future is waiting for you, and it's up to you to make the most of it.
Invest in yourself, invest in your future, and join the Premiere Life Coaching Certification program today.
To your Premiere Coaching,
- Sai Blackbyrn Head Coach Coach Foundation
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